
"That's right, let's open up a mission and get rich! "The great profit in enabling some to be "Homeless"PartII

from Bill in San Antonio,Texas!!'That's right, let's open up a mission and get rich! I've sent the info to 'ol Larry the librarian{the "former"city rescue mission librarian}. You know when the new "Prez"{Tom Jones?} arrived they decided the homeless didn't need a mission library, although books are donated by the box-full; some homeless can't get a public library card ,having no I.D. or out of state I.D., and Larry had been faithful in that position for years without ever being paid. Yea, they don't need books! We'll keep 'em retarded so they'll remain at the mission and add to the impressive numbers that justify my $94,000 salary!Larry, just as we did, knew there was corruption, but not to that extent.At first when I emailed him, he thought I was full of B.S. when I mentioned the salaries of some{due to Part I}. He then apologized when I told him to look at the whole document(ex. the last pages,http://www.homelessokc.blogspot.com/2008/06/city-rescue-mission-finances.html ).Anyway, I've passed it on ,as I'm sure they'll tell 2 friends, and they'll tell 2 friends, and so on, and so on. It just might get the attention of one(or some) that are in a position to bring about a reformation for the benefit of all.Gotta go now. Sometimes I don't make it to the library for days. Be patient with me. Here's a video of an old commercial that I believe they should play again. I'm sure you'll remember it. Ciao ~wÃif '

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